Elementary Dog Training

Dogs and their owners at Elementary Dog Training

Do you have a new puppy that’s constantly misbehaving? Do you have an older dog with some bad habits? Canine College provides an introductory dog training class that’s great for all ages and breeds.

Elementary Dog Training

Our effective and professional elementary dog training classes are designed for dogs over 4 months and older and their owners. Canine College believes in progressive learning, which means dogs and their owners initially start in Elementary I dog training and then move to Elementary II.

  • Elementary I. During this training class, dogs learn simple commands in a group setting. The class is conducted on leash and is 5 weeks long, during which your dog will quickly develop social skills with both people and other dogs. Commands in Elementary I include “sit,” “stay,” “down,” “wait,” and “easy,” among others — all at a manageable pace.
  • Elementary II. This class is generally taken after you and your dog go through 5 weeks of Elementary I training. All of the commands learned during the first part of Elementary training are built upon; commands suddenly become longer and more complex and are gone through at a faster pace. This is an on-leash group course offered at our Holbrook facility.

What to Expect During the Course

Aside from expecting to see noticeable improvements in your dog or puppy’s behavior, you can expect to see your dog relax when around strangers and other dogs. If you’re nervous about your dog’s behavior, Canine College provides private, one-on-one dog training either before or after your Elementary I or II group class so that you have our undivided attention!

Canine College’s Elementary dog training courses can also be used to achieve the Canine Good Citizen certification. This certification is awarded to dogs who show exemplary behavior and are considered trusted and safe throughout your community.

Overall, the Elementary I and II training will take around 10 weeks to complete, but the time is worth it — both you and your dog will come away with more knowledge than you might get from simply scouring the Internet for tips and tricks. Have questions or are interested in signing up? Contact us today for more information!

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