Thinking about giving your dog some freedom in the outdoors while you get some peace of mind knowing they are safe? Installing an electronic pet containment system is the option to choose when it comes to making everyone happy.

What is an Electronic Pet Containment System?

The electric fence containment system works to keep your dog within a certain perimeter on your property. The purpose of the fence is to train your dog to stay within a given area so they don’t wander into a neighbor’s yard or into the road. Many homeowners with new puppies will install an electric fence to train their dogs to stay close to home.

How An Electric Fence Works

When your dog comes too close to the established perimeter, a warning sound is emitted from your dog’s special collar. If the dog ignores this sound and continues towards the fence’s line, a small electric charge is applied, which deters the dog from moving and further and the resulting behavior is to back away from the boundary. This entire process is possible due to an electric live wire implanted into your yard.

Is An Electric Fence Right for Your Dog?

It all depends! If you have an active dog breed that needs to run around unchecked throughout your property, then an electric fence is a great benefit. Whereas if you have a much calmer dog that you can easily train to stay within the perimeter of your yard, you could opt for standard fence installation, which would also save you some money on your electricity bills.

As far as budget is concerned, an electric containment fence is cheaper than a chain link or wood fence. Many towns and neighborhoods throughout the greater Boston area also have rules that prohibit front yard fences or walls. The installation process is also quick and can either be completed within a day or a week depending on the size of your property. Whilst looking for information about building a fence, you may also want to consider how it will affect the aesthetics of your home as many would argue that a wooden fence adds curb appeal to the property as opposed to an electric one.

Why Choose Canine College

At Canine College, we have over a decade of experience installing electronic dog fences. We can provide you with a free estimate as well as make suggestions on where to place the fence. The installation process is quick and cost-effective and, most importantly, won’t change the appearance of your yard! Canine College is able to install your electronic fence through dirt, gravel, concrete and asphalt.

Note that with any change to your dog’s world, your dog will need to be trained and introduced to the new concept. Therefor Canine College highly recommends going through an in-home training period to get accustomed to the new electric fence.

Contact our dog training facility today for installation!

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