When selecting a type of dog training, there are no hard and fast rules. You can analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type before making your decision. Other times, it is subject to your preference. 

This article will look at each style of dog training so you can choose the best option.

Individual & Private Dog Training

Individual training is recommended if the trainer is skilled at training in private and the dog exhibits fear. However, private training can be a good starting point for dog training, especially if the dog suffers from separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, fear, and aggression.

Group Dog Training

Group training is a fun exercise for both the pet parent and the dog. It provides an added source of encouragement, passion, and support for pet parents. They also get to bounce ideas and questions off each other.

Since group training provides an excellent opportunity to learn in the presence of other dogs, it is widely recommended for dogs. They learn to concentrate in public and play with other dogs when allowed.

How to Decide 

When deciding on the type of training to pursue, keep the following points in mind.

  1. Shy dogs are less likely to respond well (or at all) in a group situation, so if you must employ group training for fearful dogs, ensure they develop socialization skills, so their shyness doesn’t interfere with their performance in class.
  2. Owners with more schedule flexibility are more likely to cope with and engage in group training whenever they are held.
  3. Individual training should be explored for dogs with unique needs, such as high anxiety or aggression because they would struggle to participate successfully in a group class.
  4. Owners on a tight budget who want to avoid investing in private training might try group training. If this is the case, but you still require private sessions, inquire about semi-private or small group class availability with the training institution.


Do you require assistance selecting your dog’s training method or a trainer? Consider gaining insight from our team at Canine College. We offer an innovative and scientifically based approach that integrates many of the world’s best dog training features to give you the training you want. Contact us by phone at 781-767-3908 to schedule an appointment today.

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