How to Keep Your Dog Tick Free This Fall

Have you ever been scratching the back of your neck, only to find a surprising little bump that comes off in your hands? And then curdled up your nose and mouth in revulsion, discovering that that small bump was indeed a tick? If so, you aren’t alone. Ticks can make...

How to Help With Your Dogs Stinky Breathe

Dogs have a reputation for having bad breath, but the truth is that when taken care of properly, dogs really should not have bad breath. If your dog’s breath is bad enough to make you gag or recoil, it’s time to make a change. Bad breath in dogs can be a sign of a...

Best Breeds Of Dog For Children

Looking for a dog that would be great for your kids? There are so many things to consider before making a decision. First, always be sure you have enough time to take care of a dog (of any age) and that your home allows for enough space for your dog. Don’t...
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