Teaching Your Dog to Love Swimming

At Canine College, we’ve decided that in order for your dog to beat the summer heat, you’re going to need a pool! This means that the first thing you need to do is look into pool fence inspections brighton way, or wherever you want to teach your dog, to...

Help! My Dog Has So Much Energy!

Congratulations! You’ve brought home your new puppy. There’s just one problem: They are so hyped up on loving life that you can’t keep up with them, nor control them. At Canine College, we understand the problem of hyper dog breeds or dogs who just...

Do You Know the 3 Levels of Rally Competition?

Have you been looking for something fun and a little less formal (but just as competitive) than traditional dog show performances? Rally is a great mix of performance and handling, and what makes the new sport so great is that there are multiple levels of competition...

What Exactly is “Rally”?

Rally is the latest dog performance craze that’s swept through the nation and landed in Boston at Canine College! This is a new sport that integrates both agility aspects as well as obedience. The program is rewarding and energizing for both owner and dog. What...

Choosing a Kennel for Your Cat

When we think about pet boarding, many of us think about dog kennels. However, under the right conditions, cats can also benefits from pet boarding. Is Your Cat is a Good Fit for Boarding At Canine College, Bow Wow Resort, our spacious kennels are a wonderful...
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