Boston and greater Boston area residents are outdoorsy people, and there’s no better way to share an evening stroll or morning run around the city than with your dog. However, we do live in a city, and that means there will be other people out an about at all hours of the day — and these people will either not have a dog or will have a dog with them. Either way, it’s important to make sure your dog is well behaved and can handle being around other people and dogs in Boston.

Reasons to Train Your Dog for City Life

Having a well behaved dog isn’t just so you can garner compliments from neighbors, friends and passerby — it’s a safety thing in the city. Imagine running along the Charles River with your chocolate lab and the leash slips from your fingers. Not what? A well behaved dog would notice something was wrong and would stop immediately at a “heel” or “stay” command. A dog that’s not trained will go after the closest goose, runner, or fellow canine. In most instances these accidental interactions are harmless, but you never want to take that chance!

The city is full of thousands of delicious and interesting smells for dogs, but if you’re on a mission and need to log miles or simply want to get your walk in the bitter cold over with, it can be a huge benefit to have a trained dog who won’t stop every 5 feet to “smell the roses.” A command like “come” or “heel” will tell your dog that you mean business and they better keep up. This also works if your dog is prone to jettisoning across the street and into traffic.

Worried about your misbehaved dog in a big city? We understand! At Canine College we have proven dog training methods that work. Each dog training class is 5 weeks long and you’ll stay seeing results by the end of the first 2 weeks. Contact us today to schedule a dog training session!

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