Sunday was a special day for some pet owners. Canine College had 16 owners & dogs that participated in the CGC testing. The CANINE GOOD CITIZEN test is for any and all breeds of dogs. It is to ensure that your dog can be a respected member of the community and has been trained to be well behaved in the home, in public and around other dogs. Dogs that pass all 10 items of the test may order an official CGC certificate from the American Kennel Club (AKC). Many owners had never entered any type of AKC competition event. Although eager to participate, some were very nervous. We have to say they were very brave especially the first team to enter the ring. Andrew Dow and Keto a young Doberman were first to test as their friends & family cheered them on.Yes, they passed with flying colors, and were very proud to have their picture taken with the Blue Ribbon. Other owners proceeded to get the courage to enter the ring. The teams relaxed and 14 dogs passed. As the day progressed, each dog passed with the audiences’ encouragement. We only had two who did not pass all the exercises, but only by a small margin. The exercises were some that can easily be worked out with a minimum amount of training. I’m confident they will be able to take the test in the near future.
Congratulations to the following teams:
Andrew Dow & Keto, Angela Krim & Opi, Jennifer Brodbeck & Odie, Honor & Betty, Rene Gabrenas & Tippy, Ernet Harrington & Bella, Angela Rachmaciej & Amy Munn and Summer, Joe Kukla & Rosco, Glen Ward & Nala, Jonathan Tynes & Trane, Wendy Goddard & Isis and Vitoria Smith-Fitz & Phoenix.
Breeds included:
1 Golden Ret, 1 Mini Aussie, 1 Lab mix, 1 Boxer, 1 Doberman, 5 German Shepherds and 4 Rottweilers.
1 Golden Ret, 1 Mini Aussie, 1 Lab mix, 1 Boxer, 1 Doberman, 5 German Shepherds and 4 Rottweilers.
Many Thanks to our Testor Lynn and our volunteers Bruce & Margaret.