by Canine College | Oct 16, 2024 | Training Tips
Dog owners know that a dog quickly becomes an integral part of your family unit. When you’re adding kids into the mix, it can be challenging to make sure your human babies and your fur babies can coexist safely in the home. Dogs are adaptive creatures and with the...
by Canine College | Aug 14, 2024 | Training Tips
Looking for a dog that would be great for your kids? There are so many things to consider before making a decision. First, always be sure you have enough time to take care of a dog (of any age) and that your home allows for enough space for your dog. Don’t...
by Canine College | Jun 27, 2024 | Our Services, Training Tips
The process of socialization involves educating your dog about his environment and what is appropriate conduct, especially in the first few months of life. Socializing your puppy means teaching appropriate behavior around other animals and even people. Ensure he pays...
by Canine College | May 31, 2024 | Boarding, Training Tips
No one wants to leave their dog, but sometimes it’s necessary. If you are going on vacation, going away for the holidays, or need to take a trip to somewhere that isn’t dog-friendly, your beloved pet may need to stay behind. Boarding your dog is a great way to keep...
by Canine College | May 21, 2024 | Training Tips
Many people believe that crates are cruel and that it is inhumane to leave a dog in a crate. However, when used properly, crates are not cruel and can become a great tool for pet owners. Positive crate training will provide many benefits for you and your dog. Creating...
by Canine College | Apr 22, 2024 | Health Care, Training Tips
Many people avoid trimming their dog’s nails because they know what a hassle it can be, and they may even fear that they will hurt their dog. However, it is much more painful for your dog to be walking around with long toenails. When a dog’s nails get too...