Teaching your dog to come can be super beneficial in many instances. Regardless of if you live in an area with no fence surrounding your yard, or you’re letting your dog go off of their leash in a dog park or during a walk, knowing that they will come back to your side is crucial. Whether you want to know how to teach a puppy to come or you’ve got an older pup who’s ready to learn a new trick, follow these steps below.


Step 1: Begin in a Safe, Quiet Place

Find a secure area with very few distractions to start your training. Whether this is your backyard, or somewhere in your home, begin by allowing your dog to wander and explore.


Step 2: Call Your Dog’s Name, Followed by “Come” or “Here”

After several minutes of your dog enjoying the atmosphere, call your dog’s name and then give your dog the “come” or “here” command. This is up to your preference, but once you choose a word you’ll want to stick with it.  As they begin to move towards you, encourage your dog by cheering them on or clapping. 


Step 3: Reward With a Treat

Throw your dog a treat once they have approached you completely. Be sure to give them some happy scratches, pats and rubs as well to reinforce the positivity. This demonstrated to them that they did a good job. 


Step 4: Repeat & Practice

Let your puppy go back to exploring some more, and then repeat the steps 1-3. With consistent training sessions, you can expect your dog to come when called within just a few short months. Some dogs might take longer or shorter to achieve this, depending on how frequently you practice with them. Consistency is key in this situation!

Contact Us 

For further assistance with training your dog, you can give one of our expert team members at Canine College a call today. Not only will we provide you with additional information, but we can offer a training course best suited for your pup. To reach us, call 781-767-3908. We look forward to working with you and your dog soon!

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