When it comes to dogs, it can be challenging to know when something is wrong or if they are sick. One of the most obvious signs that something might be up is if your pet stops eating. Even then, it can be difficult to know just what the issue is. If you’ve noticed your dog not eating as much as usual or not eating at all, here are a few common reasons that might be causing the loss of appetite. 

Recent Vaccinations

If you’ve visited the vet recently to get your pup all caught up on his vaccinations, this could be a reason why he’s not eating. Some of our furry friends can have adverse reactions to the injection, including lethargy and appetite loss. Don’t worry, though, these effects are usually relatively mild and short-lived, so your dog can get back to normal in just a couple of days. 


Dogs usually have to feel pretty comfortable to have a good appetite. Just like humans, some of them can lose their appetite if they are feeling nervous. If you’ve recently moved, your pup might just be wary of being in a new location with unfamiliar surroundings. Give him a couple days to adjust to the new place, and he’ll be eating normally soon. 

Another cause for nerves could be an event that shook him up a bit. Sometimes interacting with new dogs or people can set your pet a little on edge, making it hard for him to be comfortable enough to eat. If he’s recently had a strange encounter with strangers, make sure to give him lots of love and cuddles to make him feel relaxed enough to eat. 


Loss of appetite doesn’t always signify that something serious is wrong with your dog, but it’s a good indicator that something has changed. If your dog is also displaying other symptoms, like pain or lethargy, you will want to get him checked out by a vet for any kind of illness or health problems

Tooth Problems

Sometimes the physical act of eating might be uncomfortable for your dog. If he seems like he wants to eat and shows interest in food but doesn’t spend much time at his bowl, it could be that he’s just having some tooth or gum pain that prevents him from eating. Have him checked out by a vet for loose, broken, or rotten teeth. He’ll be able to eat better if the offending tooth is removed entirely. 


Sometimes our furry friends just aren’t satisfied with their meals. They might not like the taste or smell of the food we give them, or they might just not feel well after they eat that particular food. In some cases, the height of the bowl could cause an issue with perceived pickiness. Make sure that your dog’s dining area is clean and tidy and that his bowls are at an acceptable level. 

Contact Canine College

Overall, there are many different reasons for changes in your dogs eating habits. If he’s been displaying some odd behaviors and not eating, it may be time to take him to the vet. Our trainers at Canine College will also be able to assist you with some puppy issues. We’re the leading dog trainers in the Boston area and can assist you with training, discipline, and even boarding. Give us a call at 781-767-3908 for the best professional support for your beloved dog. 


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