Did you know that most dogs only get about 20% of the physical activity they need? This is because owners get busy and tired and forget just how important it is to keep their pup moving. In the winter, colder weather makes it even easier to throw your dog’s activity needs to the side. Making sure your dog gets enough exercise is a key part of keeping them healthy, so let’s discuss some of the best ways to do that during the winter!

Play Inside Games

Exercise doesn’t just have to be done outdoors! Take advantage of your extra time inside, especially this year, to play games with your dog. Tug of war, fetch, and even running up and down the steps are all great forms of exercise for your dog. Not only does it benefit the dog’s health, but it helps you bond closer with them too!

Keep Their Mind Active

As much as your dog needs physical exercise, they need plenty of mental exercises too. Practice new tricks with your dog to keep their mind active. You can also utilize feeding toys that make your dog work for their food to add a challenge to meal and snack times that will exercise their brain! Feeding toys are available in a variety of sizes and difficulty levels so finding the perfect fit for your pup will be easy!

Make the Most of the Cold

Getting creative indoors is great, but nothing quite compares to a good walk in the fresh air. Bundle up yourself and your dog and take a trip outside for a walk, run, or to the local dog park. You may not be able to stay out for as long as you would in the summer and that’s okay! Even if the cold is a little uncomfortable for you, your dog’s thick coat is designed to keep them cozy even when it’s cold outside. When you get home, don’t forget to check between the pads on your dog’s feet for any snow or ice chunks that need to be removed before they cause damage. Investing in booties and a jacket for your dog may be worthwhile in cooler climates.

Contact Canine College

If you need more personalized tips and tricks to keep your dog active this winter, Canine College can help! Our highly experienced dog trainers can offer tips and assistance on training your dog, as well as innovative ideas to keep them active all year round. We offer several group training courses as well as private sessions. Give us a call at 781-767-3908 today to learn more!

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