Many people avoid trimming their dog’s nails because they know what a hassle it can be, and they may even fear that they will hurt their dog. However, it is much more painful for your dog to be walking around with long toenails. When a dog’s nails get too long and start touching the floors when they walk, the hard surface will push the nail back into the nailbed. This can cause your dog to walk differently to compensate for the pain, which will have further consequences for their health. Therefore, it is essential to trim your dog’s nails regularly. To make the process go smoothly, use the best dog nail clippers and try out some of our tips and tricks to make it less painful for you and your dog. 

Use quality nail cutters 

Corgi Getting Nails TrimmedWhile this may seem obvious, choosing a pair of clippers that is compatible with your dog’s nails is one of the most important factors in a successful nail trim. Choose a durable tool that is easy for you to use and ensures the safety of your dog’s nails. If your dog has large, thick nails, you may opt for a large plier-style clipper. If you have a smaller dog, guillotine and scissor-style clippers may work just as well. Some owners and animal professionals even prefer to use a Dremel tool to grind the nails down instead.

Bathe your dog first first

Trimming the nails after a bath is the best time, as the toenails will be softened. This makes for easier clipping and they will be less likely to splinter or crack. Bathing your dog first can also help to relax him so he is less likely to fuss while getting his nails trimmed. Having your dog be more relaxed during nail cutting is crucial to avoiding injuries.

Body handling

Some dogs are uncomfortable having certain parts of their bodies handled, particularly the ears, mouth, tail, and paws. Try to gently acclimate them to these sensations before nail trimming. If you hold your dog’s paws on occasions other than during nail trimming, your dog may become more comfortable having his paws handled. This practice works the same for something like putting ear drops in your dog’s ears, if you ease them into the practice, they will have a more calm reaction when the time comes. 

Use treats

If you have a food-motivated dog, the use of bribery through treats is beneficial for making nail trimmings successful. Have a friend or family member distract the dog by diverting his attention to the treat.

Contact Canine College

Canine College is here to help if you need assistance trimming your dog’s nails. We have a trained staff of experts who can talk you through the process and give you tips along the way. For more information about what Canine College offers, contact us at 781-767-3908. We look forward to meeting you and your furry friends! 

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