Freshening Your Dog’s Breath

It is no secret that dogs naturally have smelly breath. If you’re looking for even more natural ways to cure this stench, continue reading to discover how you can implement new items to your dog’s diet to improve their breath. Parsley Parsley provides an array of...

Tips For Taking Your Dog To The Beach

Taking your dog to the beach is exciting for you and them! Bringing your dog to the beach in the summer may be great but, also taking them during the off-season is a good idea too. During the summer there may be more restrictions for bringing your dog to the beach, so...

Why is My Dog Not Eating?

When it comes to dogs, it can be challenging to know when something is wrong or if they are sick. One of the most obvious signs that something might be up is if your pet stops eating. Even then, it can be difficult to know just what the issue is. If you’ve noticed...

How to Freshen Your Dog’s Breath

Dogs have a reputation for having bad breath, but the truth is that when taken care of properly, dogs really should not have bad breath. If your dog’s breath is bad enough to make you gag or recoil it’s time to make a change. Bad breath in dogs can actually be a sign...

Pet Fire Safety

According to a study by the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 500,000 pets are affected by home fires every year. Not only is it important to keep your pet safe from home fires, it is often overlooked how easy it can be for your pet to accidentally start a...
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