Signs Your Dog Needs Training

If your furry friend is acting out and not being obedient, that’s okay! Unfortunately, even the best dogs sometimes develop behavioral problems and may need to be trained. This can be common in puppies, early adulthood dogs, or rescues. When issues with your dog...

Is It Ever Too Late to Train a Dog?

Most train their dogs when their puppies or young but, if you own an older dog that you would like to train, it is never too late. Teaching an older dog may even be easier since dogs are more easily distracted when they’re younger. Just because your dog...

Can you Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Whether you’ve adopted an older dog recently or you’re looking to give your longtime pal some new challenges, you might be considering teaching your furry friend some new tricks. But what about the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Well, the good...
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