Canine College Blog

Why Crate Training Is Important

Why Crate Training Is Important

Many people believe that crates are cruel and that it is inhumane to leave a dog in a crate. However, when used properly, crates are not cruel and can become a great tool for pet owners. Positive crate training will provide many benefits for you and your dog. Creating...

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Winter Pet Tips

Winter Pet Tips

As the winter chill sets in, it's essential to consider the well-being of your pets. Cold temperatures, snow, and ice can present unique challenges for pets. Canine College is here to provide you with valuable tips to ensure your four-legged friends stay happy and...

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Do Dogs Enjoy Overnight Boarding?

Do Dogs Enjoy Overnight Boarding?

We all want to spend as much time with our favorite pets as possible; however, there are some instances where you might need to search for alternatives to watch over your dog while you are gone. It used to be standard practice to board your dog in a kennel, but this...

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