Canine College Blog

Hiking With Your Dog

Hiking With Your Dog

Here are several tips to keep in mind when bringing your dog along on your adventure. Always Use a Leash  Keeping your dog on a leash not only ensures their safety, but ensures the safety of others. You never know when your dog may take off at the site of something or...

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Freshening Your Dog’s Breath

Freshening Your Dog’s Breath

It is no secret that dogs naturally have smelly breath. If you’re looking for even more natural ways to cure this stench, continue reading to discover how you can implement new items to your dog’s diet to improve their breath. Parsley Parsley provides an array of...

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How to Train Your Dog for a Dog Show

How to Train Your Dog for a Dog Show

Dog shows are amazing to watch! Seeing a wide array of dogs performing incredible skills is something to see. Show dogs are incredibly obedient to their owners and what they can be taught is astounding. Are you planning on turning your beautiful pup into a show dog?...

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Signs Your Dog Needs Training

Signs Your Dog Needs Training

If your furry friend is acting out and not being obedient, that's okay! Unfortunately, even the best dogs sometimes develop behavioral problems and may need to be trained. This can be common in puppies, early adulthood dogs, or rescues. When issues with your dog...

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